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Quant-WorksQuantitative Proteomics Services

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CREATE A DATABASE USING MICROSOFT WORKS 5 PRINTING LABELS (as an example of Merging) Start the Microsoft Works (not Word) word processor (if you have works suite). O If it isn’t showing in Start/Programs you must add the shortcut It is under C: Program Files Microsoft Works wkswp.exe. Microsoft Works version 9.0. Works on Windows 10. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon.

Quantitative proteomics is a powerful approach for understanding protein dynamics within a cell, tissue or organism. There are three main approaches for quantitative proteomics they are 1) Label Free 2) metabolic or chemical labeling and 3) Targeted. The Quant-Works services include workflows for all of these approaches. Choosing the right approach for your experiment will depend on the number and type of samples, the available budget and of course your goals. Our dedicated staff are on-hand to help you understand the options and recommend a workflow best suited to your experiment.

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IP-WorksProtein Complex Mapping

The understanding of protein complex assembly and mapping of protein interactions has rapidly grown in recent years due to significant advances in mass spectrometry. Combined with selective enrichment tools it is now possible to probe with a high degree of selectivity and sensitivity protein/protein interactions and the individual networks they represent within a protein complex. The IP-works service is ideal for providing a molecular profile of your enriched samples and studying the dynamics of protein-protein interactions.

Protein-WorksCore Facility Services

Protein analysis with mass spectrometry is a core technology for providing routine support to multiple workflows in the biological sciences. The Protein-Works services include tasks such as protein identification, protein sequence confirmation, protein molecular weight determination and complex sample profiling. With fast turnaround times and high-quality data, the Protein-Works services can help you increase your throughput and keep projects moving forwards.

PTM-WorksPost-Translational Modification Analysis

Post-Translation modifications (PTMs) play a valuable role in protein function and cell signaling. The PTM-works services enable a high-resolution view of PTMs on proteins and peptides. The services can be used to identify, quantify and localize post-translational modifications on a target protein or globally across submitted samples.

Custom-WorksCustom Assay Services

MS Bioworks is equipped with cutting edge analytical instrumentation suited to handling the diverse and demanding nature of modern proteomics experiments. We understand that some projects fall outside of our routine service portfolio and as such we are happy to discuss custom projects and deliver a solution tailored to your needs.

Ms Works

Our Commitment for a Better Tomorrow

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Forests contribute $600 billion to the global economy.

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66 million people in the U.S. rely on a national forest for freshwater.
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Trees for A healthier Society

More than a quarter of modern medicines are derived from rain forests.
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Let's Talk

If you have any questions about protein mass spectrometry fundamentals or how this technology could be useful for your applications please reach out to us. Our scientists have decades of experience in this space and we can provide valuable insight to help get a project started or to contribute to your existing efforts.

Ms Works For Windows 10

or call us at 1-888-960-0650