The Post Box Arrives: In 1859 the national post box arrived looking very similar to the ones we use today other than one thing; IT WAS GREEN! Green was chosen as the standard colour at first for Post boxes throughout the country but this eventually changed to red which is the colour we proudly use today. Victorian definition is - of, relating to, or characteristic of the reign of Queen Victoria of England or the art, letters, or tastes of her time. How to use Victorian in a sentence. Victorian and Edwardian Post Boxes. Tall, narrow hexagonal post box, near Harrow School. Wall-mounted Victorian post box, Cheyne Row, Chelsea, London. Rural Pole-Mounted post box, Shepperton, Surrey. Hexagonal post box, Bath. Cylindrical Pillar Box with one side box. This is a great example of a George VI post box the customer decided on having it painted black and it looks just lovely. You had a Victorian property.
- Victorian Jewelry Box
- Victorian Post Box
- Post Victorian Era
- Victorian Post Box Facts
- Victorian Post Mortem
The Victorian period was seen as a significant period in the development of Britain and new inventions formed a key part of this. These inventions helped shape the lives of normal everyday people and made travel, communication and trade easier than ever.
Today we take photos, call our family and travel around the world. These are all taken for granted and expected. These key components of our lives were all shaped by the Victorians and the inventions which took place within the Victorian times.
For Children growing up through the Victorian era life had a sense of excitement as new inventions brought about new opportunities. Below you will find some of the most key developments in terms of inventions from the Victorian era.
Pedal-Driven Bicycle:
This was known at the time as the ‘Velocipede’. This was invented by Scotsman named Kirkpatrick MacMillan in 1838.
Victorian Jewelry Box
The Penny-Farthing:
Another iconic invention within the Victorian times was the Penny-Farthing. Always a spectacle at museums today the Penny-Farthing was invented in the 1870’s and was famous for it’s large front wheel which was almost 6 feet from top to bottom! Certainly not safe for Children! It also had no brakes! This was used by many until the 1880’s when a Bicycle with equal wheel sizes was used.
The Penny Post System:
Communication took a step forward within the Victorian era especially for those with loved ones working in the cities who wanted to communicate with family back in the farms. The Penny postal system was developed and began on the 10th January 1840. The Penny postal system was simple. Normal, everyday people could send a letter to anywhere within the UK for a penny. This was accessible for both the wealthy and the poor and improved the communication of the British isles greatly.
Postage Stamp:
Stamps are still used today and orginate from the Victorian era. After the successful launch of the Penny post system the Penny Black was created on the 6th May 1840 which would be the first pre paid postage method.
Morse Code:
In 1844 the first Morse code message was sent. This would be used as a communication method throughout miltiary and is actually in some cases still used today. American Samuel Morse invented the Morse code in 1837.
Rubber Tyres:
In 1845 Robert Thomson invented the rubber tyre which was filled with pressurised gas. This would be used rather than the traditional solid tyre with comfort and safety at the forefront of his invention.
Ice Cream:
In 1851 children around the world began to be introduced to the delight of Ice Cream as it was invented in the US by Jacob Fussell. Ice Cream still remains as one of the most popular desserts for children of today.
Say Cheese!:
The first photograph was officially taken within the 1830’s. This became incredibly popular within the Victorian era and it wasn’t long until most key cities and towns had their own photography studies. Proud families would dress for the occasion and have annual family photo shoot. The cameras were not point and click like they are today so children had to be still throughout the photo session.
Iron Into Steel:
Henry Bessemer discovered a way of converting iron into steel which was both stronger and lighter than iron. This continued the industrialisation and modernisation of the world as it was now possible to build huge structures including bridges and boats. Transportation and getting places suddenly became far easier.
Text Messages (Not Quite the same!):
On August 16th 1858 Queen Victoria sent one of the first text messages across the transatlantic telegraph cable to the US President of the time James Buchanan. Not quite sending via the iPhone however this was a huge step in communication at the time and built a relationship between the UK and the US.
The Post Box Arrives:
In 1859 the national post box arrived looking very similar to the ones we use today other than one thing; IT WAS GREEN!
Green was chosen as the standard colour at first for Post boxes throughout the country but this eventually changed to red which is the colour we proudly use today.
Jelly Babies:
Children around the world were delighted as in 1864 the first Jelly Baby was manufactured by Herr Steinbeck in Lancashire, England. The Jelly baby became a national treasure and is still manufactured and consumed world wide today.
Victorian Post Box
Feeding Poor Children:
Post Victorian Era
Although not an invention of sorts Dr Barnardo founded the Barnardo’s Charity for poor children in 1870. The first of his homes opened in 1870 in London and became a place to feed, educate and clothe the stray children. Although not directly associated with inventions it deserves a place on the list due to the shift in attitude it provided that education and a loving home was critical for all childrens development.
Victorian Post Box Facts
Easter Egg:
Another one to delight Children. In 1873 the first chocolate easter egg was produced in Bristol, England by Fry, Vaughan and Co. We all know how successful that was. Chocolate easter eggs then became the norm. It’s now impossible to go through the easter period without eating chocolate.
The Telephone:
Victorian Post Mortem
One of the most significant inventions and quite possibly the most famous inventor of Victorian times Alexander Bell invented the first practical telephone. Bell will always be known as one of the most successful inventors of all time.